Can we visit your farm?
The short answer is yes. The longer answer is, yes, we would love you to, just keep in mind that it is also our home, so let us know before you come. We’d love to have you for coffee and a tour, but would like to make contact with you first.
What makes your pork different than grocery store pork?
Our pork is different than grocery store pork in that the majority of grocery store pork comes from confinement hog barns. Those hogs live the majority of their lives on concrete floors, without any direct sunshine, in fairly cramped quarters. By contrast, our pigs are locally sourced as weaners (weaned from their mother) and raised entirely outside. Our pigs are moved with electric fences, in order to give them access to fresh pasture/forest regularly, and keep them out of areas that have already been in, to give those areas a chance to rest and regrow. The quality of the meat is enhanced by the fact that our pigs have room to run and exercise and explore, places to root, and deadfall to break open and break down, making them workers with us as we renew our property.
What makes your beef different than grocery store beef?
Our beef is not feedlot beef. It is not kept in close confinement. It is not fed grain. This makes for tasty, lean meat, that does not have the same carbon footprint that feedlot beef has. Our steers are born on our farm, live out their whole life on our farm, and then will be taken for processing before coming to your freezer. The minimal transferring of animals allows for a reduction in shipping cost, reduced stress on the animals, and a decrease in fossil fuel consumption with regards to the long hauling of cattle that is common with most of the beef that is purchased in the store.
What makes your lamb different that grocery store lamb?
Our lambs are a local, grass fed and finished, not shipped overseas, shetland breed.
Do you offer refunds?
No, because once an animal has been processed, it cannot be put back together, and it also cannot be resold. If you have any apprehension about buying direct from a farmer, we can put you in touch with experienced customers and also recommend you buy a small amount your first time.
Deposits are non-refundable as the money from the deposits helps us buy the animals we need to meet customer demand and helps us get started with feed costs for our pigs, or fencing, etc for our sheep and cows.
Do you offer chicken?
Yes, we do offer chicken on occasion. When it’s available we will let our customers know through either our website or email list.